Its her

The cold air tore through my warm jacket as I walked home from school. Me and my friend, Cassie were being bullied. It was mostly Cassie being bullied, though. A tear streaked down my face as I remembered what the bully, Janie, said to me. You're so short, she had said. And you're fat too, she said. She had called me terrible names that I dare not write. But really, she's one to talk. She is around 14 and she weighs more than my 40 year old mum. Not that my mum was fat, or anything. But Janie was. I finally got home, after what felt like forever, and saw Cassie sitting on the couch, with a heavily bandaged arm. Her eyes were red, probably from crying. "Holy crap, what the frig happened to you?!" I ask, my voice rising in pitch, so I was practically screaming. "It was her" she mumbled."Janie did it""That bitch did that to you?!!? She is dead!" I yelled angrily. "S-she tried to k-kill me" Cassie said miserably. She sounded close to tears. "I'm calling Miri" I say. Ten minutes later, Miri was knocking on the door. I opened the door. Miri looked like she had run a marathon. "Is she okay? Should I call mum?" She asked worriedly. "No" I say. "She's okay, I think". She walked inside and her eyes widened at the sight of Cassie's bloodied and bandaged arm. Miri's eyes began to water and she bolted across the lounge room to where Cassie was sitting.She cried. I heard a knock at the door, and asked Miri to get it. She wiped her eyes and sauntered to the door. She opened it. And there she was. Janie. With a knife. She slashed at Miri, and cut her shoulder and forearm, before pushing her over. I had my phone out, so I took a quick photo of Janie before she turned and ran. She wasn't fast, but she was armed, so I dared not follow her. I sprinted to Miri who was screaming and crying loudly. "Shit! Cassie! Call the effing ambo! Shit!" I screamed. "Holy Frick! Miri! Are you okay?" Miri just wailed louder. Cassie was on her phone, probably calling an ambo. I grabbed a clean wipe and a pair of scissors and cut away her sleeve. Blood poured out of the wound and I felt sick. Cassie was of the phone. "Cassandra" I said weakly. She looked at me with a pale expression. "When is the ambulance coming?" Cassie shook her head "a couple of minutes" she said worriedly. I cleaned the blood that was starting to harden . "Cassie, get me a bandage". I ordered. Cassandra obliged. I wrapped her bleeding arm in an attempt to temporarily slow the blood flow. We heard sirens, and they were quickly getting louder and louder. " Cass, look after Miri. I'll only be a minute" I say, my voice cracking. I bolted outside and the paramedic spotted me. "OVER HERE!" I screamed, gaining his full attention. As the ambulance parked, a woman jumped out, whilst the other man, the driver, remained seated. "Hurry! Please!" Tears started to fall down my cheeks as the paramedics rushed in. They had a good look at Miri's arm and then one of them, a man, possibly in his thirties, turned and spoke to me."I'm going to ask you some questions, okay?""Okay""What is her name?""Miri Saintrust""How did this happen?"" S-she was attacked, with a knife""Who attacked her?""A girl from our school attacked her when she opened the door. Her name is Janie Mortenhoi""Do you have evidence?"" Yes. I took a picture on my phone before she ran away""How old is Miri?""Fifteen""Are your parents here?""No""How long ago was Miri stabbed?"" Five, maybe ten minutes ago"" Thank you for the help. And an unrelated question, what happened to the other girl?"" Same thing. But it happened right after school""Thankyou for the help. I suppose you're coming to the hospital?""Yes, please. S-she might come back to finish the rest of the trio." The man's expression showed that he knew what I meant. I don't remember much from then on. When Miri was in the ER, I decided to get her a get well gift. By 'get well gift' I meant some chocolate that I would eat most of. Walking down the street, I encountered someone I knew. Someone I despised. Janie. And I blacked out.